A Russian court has fined Facebook, Twitter and Telegram, saying the companies failed to delete content that Russian internet regulator Roskomnadzor said violates Russian law.
Facebook was fined about $288,000, while Twitter was fined about $69,000 and Telegram was hit with $124,00 in fines, according to the magistrate court in Moscow’s Taganskiy district.
None of the companies has commented on the issue.
The most recent fines come as Russia has levied similar fines on Google, WhatsApp and TikTok in recent months.
In March, the Kremlin slowed down Twitter in the country for failing to remove content.
The fines have been over content, as well as for the companies’ refusal to store personal data on Russian users in Russia.
Russia is also trying to compel these companies to open official offices in Russia.
Kremlin critics say the moves are an effort by the country’s ruling United Party to stifle dissent in the run-up to September 19 parliamentary elections.
Some information in this report came from Reuters.
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